Global Technology Development

Course Description:

Global markets present growth opportunities for both business and professionals. This course approaches the development of global technology from the perspective of the Engineering Manager engaged as either part of a large corporate team or as an entrepreneur in small business. We will pursue topics ranging from formal methodologies to practical lessons learned from industry including.

- Global business and markets in changing times
- Role and opportunities for technical professionals
- Cultural, political, economic, legal, and ethical environments
- Product planning processes, proposal, development, and launch
- Technology transfer and protection of intellectual property

While presenting a comprehensive overview we will provide some flexibility for in-depth study by offering supplemental projects, case studies, and reading resource material.


1) Introduce the field of global technology development and show how engineering works with marketing and upper management to develop and manage global products. View descriptions of jobs relating to product development for global markets.

2) Provide an overview of the methods used to investigate and establish global products, including cultural, political, economic, legal, and ethical factors. View one or more examples of a Marketing Plan for a global product.

3) Provide an overview of activities and processes used for global technology development, including identification of core competencies and processes, establishment of product portfolios, global product platforms, products and variants for localization.

4) Promote sensitivity and skills necessary to communicating and working with businesses and individuals from different cultures.

5) Highlight issues unique to global technology development, including market entry decisions, product localization, potential political and economic pitfalls, product management, metrics for evaluation, product sustainment, and protection of intellectual property.

With the common thread of developing products for global markets this course draws on material from the fields of Global Marketing, Product Development, and Multicultural Management.